tisdag 17 augusti 2010

My SW Armylist

Logan Grimnar, The Great Wolf 275 pts  

3x Wolf Guards 149 pts
- Terminators
- Combi Meltas
- Drop Pod

5x Wolf Guards 255 pts
- Terminators
- 2x Twin Wolf Claws
- 2x Thunder Hammers & Storm Shields
- Heavy Flamer
- Drop Pod

5x Wolf Guards 195 pts
- Terminators
- Cyclone Missile Launcher

5x Wolf Guards 195 pts
- Terminators
- Cyclone Missile Launcher

Lone Wolf 90 pts
- Terminator Armour
- Twin Wolf Claws
- Meltabombs
- 2x Fenrisian Wolves

7x Wolf Guards 311 pts
- Terminators
- 2x Twin Wolf Claws
- 2x Power Fists
- 2x Power Weapon & Storm Shields
- 1 PW & SB

Land Raider Crusader 275 pts
(Logan, 7 man group here)
- Extra Armour
- Multi Melta


The main idea for the whole list is that I want some really hard troops. I was a IG player before, but that wasn't the kind of army I could play alot with... In my opinion that is.
Now, I don't got two priests with Jaws of the world wolf because of the Swedish tournament composition rules. The list gets a composition score of 28 out of 105 (version 5.x) which is acceptable but not great.   
For games of 2k points I'm considering some Thunder Wolves Cav.

Edit: The latest rules for the tournament composition can be found at: http://svenska40k.se/forum/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=1993

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