onsdag 18 augusti 2010

Marines starting profile in Deathwatch

As seen on FFGs forums, looks like marines will have some really nice stuff on rank 1 (or rank 9 compared to a DH character). 

Here's the list:

Astartes Weapon Training
Bulging Biceps
Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight)
Killing Strike (new Talent, no idea what it does)
Nerves of Steel
Resistance (Psychic Powers)
True Grit
Unarmed Master 
Unnatural Strength X2
Unnatural Toughness X2

So that's what they start with.

2. Power Armour adds the following on top of all of that:

Servo-Augmented Musculature - +20 Strength
Auto-Senses - Immune to Photon Flash and Stun Grenades, gains Darksight, Called Shots are 1/2 Actions, gains +10 to all Sight and Hearing Awareness Tests (cumulative w/Heightened Senses, for +20 over all).
Built-In Vox Link
Built-In Mag-Boots
Nutrient Recycling - Can operate for 2 weeks without resupply.
Recoil Suppression - May fire Basic Weapons 1-handed without penalty.
Size - Hulking (though that's not a penalty thanks to the Black Carapace)
Poor Manual Dexterity - Tasks that require fine manipulation are at -10 due to 'big fingers syndrome' unless the equipment has been designed for Space Marine use.
Osmotic Gill Life Sustainer - As long as you are wearing your helmet, your armour is environmentally sealed.

3. They also have a lot of skills to start with (outside of all the non-trained Basic Skills):

Ciphers (Chapter Runes)
Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites)
Common Lore (Deathwatch)
Common Lore (Imperium)
Common Lore (War)
Drive (Ground Vehicle)
Forbidden Lore (Xenos)
Navigation (Surface)
Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes)
Silent Move
Speak Language (Low Gothic)
Speak Language (High Gothic)
Tactics (not sure what this does)

4. But that's not all, there are still all the special Marine organs, and they all provide rules:

Secondary Heart/Ossmodula/Biscopea/Haemastamen - Gain Unnatural Strength & Toughness x2
Larraman's Organ - Never suffer from Blood Loss (I wondered if they'd get this ability, and it turns out they do!).
Catalepsean Node - Do not suffer Perception-based penalties when awake for long periods of time.
Preomnor - +20 Toughness when taking Tests against ingested poisons.
Omophagea - Gain a Skill or Skill Group when devouring a portion of an enemy (how that works should be interesting to figure out).
Multi-Lung - May re-roll any failed Test for drowning or asphyxiation. Also gain +30 to all Tests to resist gasses and may re-roll failed results.
Occulobe/Lyman's Ear - This is what gives you the Heightened Senses (Sight & Hearing).
Sus-an Membrane - May enter suspended animation!
Oolitic Kidney - May re-roll all failed tests to resist toxins and poisons, including weapon attacks that have the Toxic Quality.
Neuroglottis - May detect any toxin or poison by taste with a successful Awareness Test. +10 to Tracking against a target you have tasted.
Mucranoid - Re-roll any failed Toughness Test required within extreme temperatures.
Betcher's Gland - May spit acid as a ranged weapon, R3m, Dam D5, Pen 4, Toxic and if you hit your target with 3 DOS or more, you blind them for 1D5 rounds.
Progenoids - Retrieved with a successful Medicae test, and can be used to generate a new character of a level equal to the rest of the squad when your character dies.
Black Carapace - The Black Carapace allows you to move inside the Power Armour with such speed and grace that the enemy do not gain the +10 To Hit when attacking you despite being Hulking.

tisdag 17 augusti 2010

My SW Armylist

Logan Grimnar, The Great Wolf 275 pts  

3x Wolf Guards 149 pts
- Terminators
- Combi Meltas
- Drop Pod

5x Wolf Guards 255 pts
- Terminators
- 2x Twin Wolf Claws
- 2x Thunder Hammers & Storm Shields
- Heavy Flamer
- Drop Pod

5x Wolf Guards 195 pts
- Terminators
- Cyclone Missile Launcher

5x Wolf Guards 195 pts
- Terminators
- Cyclone Missile Launcher

Lone Wolf 90 pts
- Terminator Armour
- Twin Wolf Claws
- Meltabombs
- 2x Fenrisian Wolves

7x Wolf Guards 311 pts
- Terminators
- 2x Twin Wolf Claws
- 2x Power Fists
- 2x Power Weapon & Storm Shields
- 1 PW & SB

Land Raider Crusader 275 pts
(Logan, 7 man group here)
- Extra Armour
- Multi Melta


The main idea for the whole list is that I want some really hard troops. I was a IG player before, but that wasn't the kind of army I could play alot with... In my opinion that is.
Now, I don't got two priests with Jaws of the world wolf because of the Swedish tournament composition rules. The list gets a composition score of 28 out of 105 (version 5.x) which is acceptable but not great.   
For games of 2k points I'm considering some Thunder Wolves Cav.

Edit: The latest rules for the tournament composition can be found at: http://svenska40k.se/forum/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=1993

måndag 16 augusti 2010

Hello World!

This is going to be my little space in the warp. Here I gonna blog about me and my gaming group's Dark Heresy sessions. But to make it a bit more fun it's gonna be from my characters point of view. I don't know how many of these there are out on the internet, but I'm gonna give it a shot anyway.

I am however going to include some other Warhammer 40k related topics in this blog to keep it updated more often. I'm in the process of building a terminator based Space Wolves army. So I'm going to make it a semi project log and also post some battle reports when the army is fully assembled. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not any of those gaming or painting gurus, this is just for pure fun. Hope you like it anyway.

The first DH session after our summer break is scheduled next Wednesday, but I hope I got some posts to make before then.
