måndag 16 augusti 2010

Hello World!

This is going to be my little space in the warp. Here I gonna blog about me and my gaming group's Dark Heresy sessions. But to make it a bit more fun it's gonna be from my characters point of view. I don't know how many of these there are out on the internet, but I'm gonna give it a shot anyway.

I am however going to include some other Warhammer 40k related topics in this blog to keep it updated more often. I'm in the process of building a terminator based Space Wolves army. So I'm going to make it a semi project log and also post some battle reports when the army is fully assembled. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not any of those gaming or painting gurus, this is just for pure fun. Hope you like it anyway.

The first DH session after our summer break is scheduled next Wednesday, but I hope I got some posts to make before then.


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